Our data science platform offers a home for your research. Our customers include researchers, industry, caregivers and user communities of national significance.


An annual membership fee provides base service and optional services, and ability to procure add-on services. The services are described below.

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See also


Base service

Audience: Everyone
Cost: Please visit Prices
Status: Planned.


Usage example: Spawning GPU Virtual Machine

Optional services

SD Desktop

Audience: Everyone
Cost: Included in base service.
Status: Planned.

Access to secure remote desktop.

SD Telerad

Audience: Customers receiving scans from medical imaging modalities.
Cost: Included in base service
Status: Planned.

Receive DICOM images via telerad from specified scanners.

SD openEHR

Audience: Customers receiving openEHR data.
Cost: Included in base service.
Status: Planned.

Receive openEHR data from specified sources.

Add-on services

SD Large storage

Audience: Large scale data users.
Cost: Please visit Prices
Status: Planned.

Larger storage (no backup) than what is included in Basic service.

SD Primary storage

Audience: Customers using AIDA Data Hub for primary storage of data.
Cost: Please visit Prices
Status: Planned.

Storage with backups, guarding against disaster and (some) user error.

SD Infrastructure as a service

Audience: AI- and data scientists, and systems development experts.
Cost: Depends on flavor, please visit Prices
Status: Planned.

Multi-factor authenticated SSH connection to private self-managed virtual machines.

SD Software as a service

Audience: AI- and data scientists, and systems development experts.
Cost: Depends on flavor, please visit Prices
Status: Planned.

Secure access to popular web service tools for data analysis.

SD Jupyter notebook

Audience: Researchers.
Status: Planned.

Web-based interactive computing platform. Combines live code, equations, narrative text, visualizations, interactive dashboards and other media.

SD Cytomine server

Audience: Pathologists and researchers.
Status: Planned.

Open-source web platform for collaborative analysis of very large pathology images and image collections together with machine learning algorithms.


Our system design team:

Pontus Freyhult
IT Architect
System design support, Policy support, Management, System development
Joel Hedlund
Head of AIDA Data Hub
Management, Policy support, System design support, Data sharing, Economy

Please contact us for support or more information!