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Apply for support

The target audience for the AIDA Data Hub Support function is the AIDA community. Inquiries from non-AIDA organizations are also welcome, and will be entertained best-effort within available resources (cf Prioritization).

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Support is initially intended to be provided to AIDA researchers free of charge, as per SciLifeLab International Advisory Board recommendation. Otherwise, the NBIS user fee track applies.

Extent of support

Apply for support here: Apply for support


Support is provided at best effort and within available resources.

The intention is to let user needs drive support prioritization.

The target audience for the AIDA Data Hub Support function is the AIDA community. The main topic is medical imaging diagnostics AI research and innovation. The focus is on projects with clear connection to the broader SciLifeLab aims, including precision medicine and multi-omics.

In the event of limited resources, prioritization will be carried out by AIDA Data Hub management, advised by AIDA management. Conflicts if any are resolved by the AIDA Steering group.


Support offering

Research support expertise

Advanced user support and training to the AIDA community, in medical imaging diagnostics AI research and innovation.

Focus on projects with clear connection to the broader SciLifeLab aims, including precision medicine and multi-omics.


Research support team

Erik Ylipää
AI Research Support Lead
Research support, Management
Minh-Ha Le
AI Research Support Expert
System development, Research support

Please contact us for support or more information!

Data sharing and policy

Support in sharing medical imaging data, and policy support in sensitive data for research.


Policy support team

Joel Hedlund
Head of AIDA Data Hub
Management, Policy support, System design support, Data sharing, Economy
Pontus Freyhult
IT Architect
System design support, Policy support, Management, System development

Please contact us for support or more information!

System design

Consultation in system design for sensitive data, such as the AIDA DGX-2 Service.

System design support team

Pontus Freyhult
IT Architect
System design support, Policy support, Management, System development
Joel Hedlund
Head of AIDA Data Hub
Management, Policy support, System design support, Data sharing, Economy

Please contact us for support or more information!


Training for:

General Data Processing Agreements with Swedish Universities

As a part of the National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS), AIDA Data Hub is covered by existing Data Processing Agreements (DPA) with most of the Swedish universities with life science research. You can find a list of the existing agreements here. This means that getting support from AIDA Data Hub when working with sensitive data is simplified for researchers at these universities. To use the sensitive data compute services additional DPA agreements need to be established.