AIDA data sharing policy

Author: Analytical Imaging Diagnostics Arena (AIDA). Editor: Joel Hedlund, Data director AIDA. Version: 1.2.4 Printable version: AIDA data sharing policy v1.2.4 (PDF) Scientific publication: Nature Scientific Data comment article (OpenAccess)

Hedlund, J., Eklund, A. & Lundström, C. Key insights in the AIDA community policy on sharing of clinical imaging data for research in Sweden. Sci Data 7, 331 (2020).

This policy has been drawn up by AIDA in order to provide succinct and understandable guidelines for its activities, and in an attempt to relate its decisions about its data sharing activities to what AIDA has identified as the common practice of using and sharing clinical imaging data for research in Sweden and similar countries.


AIDA policies are set continuously by AIDA management, who reports to the AIDA steering group. Please contact the AIDA data director for comments and feedback.

This document does not constitute legal advice.


Printable version: AIDA data sharing policy v1.2.4 (PDF)

Law, ethics, and protections in the common practice of sharing clinical imaging data for research in Sweden and similar countries.

AIDA data sharing
Policies and procedures for data sharing in AIDA. Summary: Overview.

Legal discussion
Legal discussion on the common practice, with reference to law text in official sources. Summary: Common practice.

Ethical data sharing
Examples of language in ethical review applications to support data sharing.

Anonymization examples
Examples of what AIDA considers correct anonymization in medical imaging.

Template documents to facilitate setting up legal and ethical data sharing outside of AIDA.

Version history