AIDA Data Hub » AIDA Data Sharing Policy
Overview of AIDA data sharing
This section provides entry points to the practical aspects of AIDA data sharing, at every step going from research idea to sharing data with the greater research community, and highlighting where AIDA can help.
AIDA can offer some support to non-members in steps 2-5 below (blue), but membership is required for major support and from step 6 on (green).
Become part of AIDA Several ways exist. Sharing prioritized data on the data hub is one way. | |
Ethical review application Apply to EPM for ethical review. Include data sharing aspects. AIDA can help you. | |
Prioritized data? AIDA can cover costs for data hub sharing of prioritized data. | |
Get research data Use your ethical approval to get data from caregivers and other data sources. Before disclosing data, these will assess if disclosure will lead to harm ("menprövning"). Pseudonymize and protect your data. AIDA offers support, tools and data. | |
Anonymize data? Presently, AIDA only accepts anonymous data. AIDA offers examples, support and tools. | |
Upload data Contact an AIDA system administrator to upload data to the AIDA platform. You can use the AIDA PACS to visually inspect your data. Only you can see your data. | |
Share in AIDA AIDA members you selectively share with can see your data. An AIDA system administrator can make a working copy for download or more advanced analyses. You will be notified of this, or asked to approve if you have explicitly requested this. | |
Data hub sharing? AIDA encourages data hub sharing. AIDA advertises shared datasets, and makes them citable in research using DOIs. Select data hub sharing license In the interest of OpenScience, you should make full data available on request. | |
Share outside of AIDA You can either handle access requests yourself, or delegate handling to AIDA. AIDA will notify you of access requests, can facilitate contacts with requesters, and can facilitate transfers based on your instructions. You can use AIDA templates as a starting point for setting up data sharing agreements outside of AIDA. If you prefer to delegate handling to AIDA, you can sign a Data Transfer Agreement with AIDA to specify how sharing is to be carried out. |
Internal supporting processes are described in a separate document AIDA Data sharing routines which is updated continuously.