Privacy policy for Data Science Platform

About the service

Data Science Platform (“DSP”) offers a set of services for managing data in various ways, including traditional cloud services such as virtual machines and storage. The product portfolio is evolving and this privacy policy may be updated as needed. The latest revision was 2025-02-07.

What this privacy policy describes

This documents the processing of your data as a direct user of the DSP. It does not document any processing the platform provides per instructions from data controllers (e.g. storing sensitive data for research projects).

What information we process

We process and store details about your memberships/entitlements, accesses, requests (what you “do” on platform, e.g. create a virtual machine, log in, et.c.).

Additionally we process and store your name, email address, IP addresses you access from - where on the Internet you connect from - along with a reference to your identity at Life Science Login.

Why do we do so?

Your project memberships and roles are required to enable you to have access to your data and services, and to ensure that those that shouldn’t have access do not have. Processing of access information is also required for troubleshooting purposes, quality improvement, and statistics.

Resource use and related metrics are required for usage reporting and billing.

Access logs and other security related information are required for fulfilling legal obligations.

Parts of the processing is required for us to fulfill our commitments in delivering services to your organization and fulfill contractual obligations. Other parts of the processing we are legally required to perform.

What are your rights?

You are entitled to know what data we process about you, and if anything is wrong, you are entitled to request to have that information corrected. You also have the right to know what the legal basis is for our processing, and how the information is used. If you are not happy with a decision we make, you have the right to appeal.

Who are we?

DSP is operated by AIDA Data Hub hosted at CMIV, Linköpings universitet. The legal entity is Linköpings universitet (Swedish corporate identity number: 202100-3096). DSP operations can be reached at and you can reach the data protection officer for Linköpings universitet at