NAISS logo Arrhenius is the planned next flagship academic compute system in Sweden. It is to be operated by NAISS and be part of EuroHPC. It will have the capability to process sensitive data for research.

AIDA Data Hub is participating in the procurement group for the Arrhenius sensitive data capability, contributing perspective from processing medical imaging diagnostics data for AI research, and systems administrator perspective from operating a national compute resource for this purpose, namely the AIDA Data Hub DGX-2 Service.

In parallel, AIDA Data Hub is setting up its data science platform, close to Arrhenius and other NAISS/NSC systems and co-located with a Bigpicture Federated node and a data collaboration platform for EUCAIM.



Pontus Freyhult
IT Architect
System design support, Policy support, Management, System development
Joel Hedlund
Head of AIDA Data Hub
Management, Policy support, System design support, Data sharing, Economy