What are DOIs and dataset registers?
The AIDA Data Hub facilitates sharing datasets for machine learning in medical image diagnostics. AIDA uses Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) to increase exposure and impact of the shared datasets. These DOIs help make the datasets more findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR).
Example: 10.23698/aida/ctpa → https://doi.org/10.23698/aida/ctpa
Thanks to the global DOI system, following a link to a DOI will always take you the official landing page with the latest updated official information on that dataset.
AIDA has its own DOI prefix provided by DataCite through the Swedish National Data Service (SND). The AIDA Data Hub and its datasets are discoverable through the global re3data.org registry of research data repositories:
You can find us and other data sources relevant to your research if you browse by subject, for example: