2025-03-19 - 2025-03-20
AIDA Data Hub Data Science Platform Launch Party
AIDA Data Hub is proud to announce the launch of our Data Science Platform which offers a home for your research in Data Driven Precision Health co-located with national and European high-performance compute systems for sensitive data. Our customers include researchers, industry, caregivers and user communities of national significance.

To celebrate the successful establishment of our Data Science Platform we are arranging a two-day conference on Mar 19-20 2025 at CMIV with national and international speakers and a launch celebration dinner.

Date March 19-20, 2025, Lunch-to-lunch.
Location Wrannesalen, CMIV, Linköping University Hospital and online.
Registration Register here for online participation.


Day 1

12:00–13:00 Lunch at Östgöta kök, Artillerigatan 15
13:00–13:10 Welcome to the Launch of the AIDA Data Hub Data Science Platform
Joel Hedlund, AIDA Data Hub dir
13:10–13:30 Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV)
Anders Persson, CMIV dir
13:30–14:00 Sharing the Swedish CArdio-pulmonary bioImaging Study Image Data for Research
Göran Bergström, SCAPIS dir
14:00–14:30 Round tour at CMIV
14:30–15:00 Fika at CMIV
15:00–16:00 Functional Pathology - Exploring Tissue with Omics and AI
Carolina Wählby, Uppsala University, Scientific keynote
16:00–16:30 Analytical Imaging Diagnostic Arena (AIDA) Bringing AI Into the Clinic
Claes Lundström, AIDA Scientific dir & Caroline Bivik Stadler, AIDA dir
16:30–17:00 A Data Science Platform for Data Driven Precision Health
Joel Hedlund, AIDA Data Hub dir
17:00–19:00 Break
19:00–22:00 Dinner at Stångs Magasin, Södra Stånggatan 1
25min walk, or slightly shorter by bus.

Day 2

09:00–09:30 SciLifeLab/NBIS and Services for Sensitive Data
Bengt Persson, NBIS dir
09:30–10:00 NAISS, Life Science, and AI Factories
Matts Karlsson, LiU
10:00–10:30 Fika at CMIV
10:30–10:45 European Cancer Image Federation (EUCAIM)
Katrine Riklund, Umeå University
10:45–11:15 Using real-world clinical data and epigenomics to build XAI-based disease classifiers
Maria Lerm & Mika Gustafsson, Linköping University
11:15–12:15 Infrastructure Services for a Data Driven Nation
Tommi Nyrönen, CSC, Infrastructure keynote
12:15–12:30 Concluding remarks
Joel Hedlund, AIDA Data Hub dir
12:30–13:30 Lunch at Östgöta kök, Artillerigatan 15